
ASME B16.9-2018 工廠製造的鍛鋼對焊管件(中英翻譯版)

  • 分類:行業動態
  • 作者:日皮视频在线观看管道
  • 來源:河北日皮视频在线观看管道有限公司
  • 發布時間:2022-01-22
  • 訪問量:937


ASME B16.9-2018 工廠製造的鍛鋼對焊管件(中英翻譯版)


  • 分類:行業動態
  • 作者:日皮视频在线观看管道
  • 來源:河北日皮视频在线观看管道有限公司
  • 發布時間:2022-01-22
  • 訪問量:937

ASME B16.9-2018
(Revision of ASME B16.9-2012)

Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings


Date of Issuance: October 29, 2018 發布日期:2018 年 10 月 29 日
The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2023. 該標準的下一版計劃於
2023 年出版。
ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Standard. Periodically certain actions of the ASME B16 Committee may be published as Cases. Cases and interpretations are published on the ASME website under the Committee Pages at http://cstools.asme.org/ as they are issued. ASME 對有關本標準技術方麵解釋的詢問作出書麵答複。ASME B16 委員會的某些事項可定期作為案例發表。案例和解釋在 ASME 網站的委員會頁麵下發布,網址為http://cstools.asme.org/。
Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME website under the Committee Pages to provide corrections to incorrectly published items, or to correct typographical or grammatical errors in codes and standards. Such errata shall be used on the date posted. 規範和標準的勘誤表可張貼於美國機械工程師學會網站的委員會網頁下,以更正不正確的出版項目,或更正規範及標準的印刷或語法錯誤。這樣的錯誤應使用在日期張貼。
The Committee Pages can be found at http://cstools.asme.org/. There is an option available to automatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard. This option can be found on the appropriate Committee Page after selecting “Errata” in the “Publication Information” section. 委員會的網頁可在 http://cstools.asme.org/找到。當向特定代碼或標準發布錯誤時,可以使用一個選項自動接收電子郵件通知。在“出版資料”一節中選擇“勘誤”後,可在適當的委員會網頁上找到該選項。

ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASME 是美國機械工程師協會的注冊商標。
This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large. 本規範或標準是根據符合美國國家標準標準的程序製定的。核可守則或標準的標準委員會是平衡的,以確保有能力和有關利益的個人有機會參與。擬議的守則或標準可供公眾查閱和評論,為工業界、學術界、監管機構和廣大公眾提供更多的公共投入機會。
ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. ASME 不“批準”、“評級”或“認可”任何項目、構造、專有設備或活動。
ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assume any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patentrights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. ASME 不就與本文件中提及的任何項目相關的任何主張的任何專利權的有效性采取任何立場,也不承諾為任何使用標準的人提供針對任何適用專利信函侵權責任的保險,也不承擔任何此類責任。規範或標準的使用者應明確告知,確定任何此類專利權的有效性以及侵犯此類權利的風險完全是他們自己的責任。
Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be
interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard. 聯邦機構代表或與行業相關的人員的參與不應被解釋為政府或行業對本規範或標準的認可。
ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals. ASME 隻對按照ASME 既定程序和政策發布的對本文件的解釋負責,該程序和政策禁止個人發布解釋。

No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrievals system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 未經出版者事先書麵許可,不得以任何形式、電子檢索係統或其他方式複製本文件的任何部分。
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美國機械工程師協會
Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 紐約帕克大街 2 號,郵編 10016-5990 Copyright © 2018 by
All rights reserved 版權©2018 年由美國機械工程師協會版權所有
Printed in U.S.A.美國發布
Foreword 前言    v
Committee Roster  委員會名單    vi
Correspondence With the B16 Committee 與B16 委員會的通訊    vii
Summary of Changes 變更匯總    ix
List of Changes in Record Number Order  變更記錄號清單    x
1    Scope  範圍    1
2    Pressure Ratings  壓力等級    1
3    Size  尺寸    2
4    Marking 標記    2
5    Material  材料    3
6    Fitting Dimensions 管件尺寸    3
7    Surface Contours  表麵輪廓    3
8    End Preparation 端部結構    3
9    Design Proof Test 設計驗證試驗    3
10    Production Tests 日皮视频APP下载試驗    5
11    Tolerances  公差要求    5
Mandatory Appendix I References  強製性附錄I 參考資料    28
Nonmandatory Appendix A Quality System Program .  非強製性附錄A 質量體係程序    29
8-1 Maximum Envelope for Welding End Transitions 圖 8-1 焊接端過渡的最大包絡線    24
5-1 Material Groupings 材料分組    6
6.1-1 Dimensions of Long Radius Elbows  長半徑彎頭尺寸    7
6.1-2 Dimensions of Long Radius Reducing Elbows 長半徑縮徑彎頭尺寸    8
6.1-3 Dimensions of Long Radius Returns 長半徑 180°彎頭尺寸    9
6.1-4 Dimensions of Short Radius Elbows  短半徑彎頭尺寸    9
6.1-5 Dimensions of Short Radius 180-deg Returns 短半徑 180°彎頭尺寸    10
6.1-6 Dimensions of 3D Radius Elbows 3D 彎曲半徑彎頭尺寸    11
6.1-7 Dimensions of Straight Tees and Crosses 等徑三通和四通尺寸    12
6.1-8 Dimensions of Reducing Outlet Tees and Reducing Outlet Crosses 異徑三通和四通尺寸.13 6.1-9 Dimensions of Lap Joint Stub Ends  翻邊尺寸    19
6.1-10 Dimensions of Caps 管帽尺寸    20
6.1-11 Dimensions of Reducers 同心異徑管尺寸    21
8-1 Welding Bevels and Root Face 焊接坡口和鈍邊    23
9.2.1-1 Testing Coverage  測試覆蓋率    25
9.3.1-1 Test Factor, f, Determination  測試因子,f,測定    25
11-1 Tolerances  公差    26
In 1921, the American Engineering Standards Committee, later the American Standards Association (ASA), organized Sectional Committee B16 to unify and further develop national standards for pipe flanges and fittings (and later, for valves, gaskets, and valve actuators).
Cosponsors of the B16 Committee were The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Heating and Piping Contractors National Association [now the Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA)], and the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry(MSS). Cosponsors were later designated as cosecretariat organizations. 1921 年, 美國工程標準委員會,即後來的美國標準協會(ASA),組織了 B16 分部委員會,統一和進一步發展了管道法蘭和管件(以及後來的閥門、墊片和閥門執行機構)的國家標準。B16 委員會的共同發起人包括美國機械工程師協會(ASME)、全美供熱和管道承包商協會(現為美國機械承包商協會(MCAA))以及閥門和配件行業製造商標準化協會(MSS)。這些協同發起者後來被指

Standardization of welding fittings was initiated in 1937 by a subgroup (designated Subgroup 6) of Subcommittee 3.After consideration of several drafts, a standard was approved by the Committee, cosponsors, and ASA, and published with the designation ASA B16.9-1940.  焊接管件的標準化是 1937 年由 3 小組委員會的一個分組(指定的小組 6)發起的。在審議了若幹草案之後,委員會、共同主辦人和 ASA 批準了一項標準,並將其命名為 ASA B16.9-1940。

Revisions were made in 1950 and 1955 to add sizes up to NPS 24 and to complete coverage of fittings in some sizes.These revisions were approved and published as ASA B16.9-1951 and ASA B16.9-1958. With the subgroup now designated Subcommittee 6 (later Subcommittee F), further revisions were begun to clarify the intent of the Standard, to add angularitytolerances, and to include fittings ofdifferent types (long radius reducing elbows and crosses) and smaller sizes(NPS 1∕4 and NPS 1∕2). This revision was published as ASA B16.9-1964 after ASA approval. 為了將
規格增加到 NPS 24 及完善某些規格管件的範圍,該標準於 1950 年和 1955 年進行了修訂。
這兩次修訂被批準。並以 ASA B16.9-1951 和 ASA B16.9-1958 的代號出版。為了明確該標準的意圖、增加角度公差、包括不同類型的管件(大半徑異徑彎頭和四通)以及較小規格的管件(NPS 1/4  和 NPS 1/2)。該分組對它進行了進一步修訂。該分組現已定名為第 6  分委員會(後來的 F 分委員會)。在經 ASA 批準之後,該修訂版以 ASA B16.9-1964 的代號出版。

After reorganization of ASA, first as the United States of America Standards Institute (USASI), then as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI),withthe Sectional Committee being redesignated as an American National Standards Committee, another revision increasing the size range to NPS 48 and revising the text for clarity was approved and published as ANSI B16.9-1971. ASA  重新組建之後,最初稱為美利堅合眾國標準學會(USASI)。後改為美國國家標準學會,與重新定名為美國國家標準委員會的專業委員會一起批準了另一個修訂版,並以 ANSI
B16.9-1971 的代號出版。該修訂版將規格範圍增大到 NPS 48 並對文本進行了修改,以求更

In 1975, Subcommittee F began a major revision to bring the standard up to date with current practice and usage. Common fractions were expressed as decimals (but without intending higher precision) and metric dimensional equivalents were added. Provisions for step-wise change of
radius for NPS 3∕4 long radius elbows and 180-deg returns were introduced. Following Standards Committee, cosecretariat, and ANSI approval, the revisionwas published as ANSI B16.9-1978. It was updated by a corrective addendum, B16.9a-1981, issued in February 1982. In 1982, American National Standards Committee B16 was reorganized as an ASME Committee operating under procedures accredited by ANSI. In ASME/ANSI B16.9-1986, the text was revised and inch dimensions were established as the standard.    美國國家標準委員會 B16 於 1982
年改組為 ASME 的一個委員會。依照 ANSI 認可的程序進行工作。在此版中,對文本進行
了修改,確定了英製尺寸為標準單位。在經標準委員會和 ASME 批準之後。ANSI 於 1986 年
11 月 12 日批準標準為美國國家標準,以代號 ASME/ANSI B16.9-1986 出版。

In 1991, the Subcommittee reviewed the Standard and made a number of revisions that were included in ASME B16.9- 1993. Dimensions for short pattern lap joints were also added. 1991 年, 小組委員會審查了該標準,並對 ASME B16.9- 1993 中所包括的標準作了一些修訂。還增加了翻邊短節的尺寸。

In ASME B16.9-2001, short radius elbows and returns were added, which included all dimensions and tolerances of ASME B16.28-1994. Metric units were provided as an independent but parallel alternative standard to U.S. Customary units. U.S. Customary units were moved into parentheses or separate tables in Mandatory Appendix I. In addition, a Quality System Program appendix was
added. 在ASME B16.9-2001 中增加了短半徑彎頭和 180°彎頭,包括ASME B16.28-1994 的所有尺寸和公差。公製單位作為一種獨立的、與美國習慣單位平行的替代標準提供。在強製性附錄 i 中,美國習慣單位被移到括號中或單獨的表格中。

In 2003, the Subcommittee reviewed the Standard and made a number of revisions. The scope of the Standard was changed to permit fabricated lap joint stub ends employing circumferential or intersection welds. 小組委員會於 2003 年審核了該標準,並作出多項修訂。標準的範圍已經改變,允許使用周向或縱向焊接方式的製造翻邊短節。

In 2006, the Subcommittee reviewed the Standard and made a number of additions and revisions. Segmental elbow requirements were added, as were 3D radius elbow dimensions. Reference documents were updated. 在2006 年,小組委員會審核了該標準,並作出了一些增補和修訂。增加了部分彎頭要求,以及 3 倍彎曲半徑的彎頭尺寸。更新了參考文件。

In 2012, the Subcommittee reviewed the Standard and made numerous revisions to the design proof test in section 9 and updated the references in Mandatory Appendix II. 2012 年,小組委員會審核了該標準,並對第 9 條的設計驗證性試驗作出多項修訂,並更新了強製性附錄 II 的參考資料。

This edition adds more specific descriptions of acceptable design methods, revises the requirements for the design proof test, and updates the references. In addition, the U.S. Customary tables in Mandatory Appendix I have been merged with the Metric tables and all tables have been redesignated. Following the approval of the ASME B16 Standards Committee, ANSI approved ASME B16.9-2018 as an American National Standard on September 25, 2018. 本版本增加了可接受的設計方法的更具體的描述,修改了設計驗證性試驗的要求,並更新了參
考文獻。此外,強製性附錄一中的美國習慣表已與公製表合並,所有表已重新指定。經 ASME
B16 標準委員會批準,ANSI 於 2018 年 9 月 25 日批準 ASME B16.9-2018 為美國國家標準。
Standardization of Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Gaskets
ASME B16                                
(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard. (以下是本標準通過時委員會的名冊)
R. M. Bojarczuk, Chair
C. E. Davila, Vice Chair
C. Ramcharran, Secretary
A. Appleton, Alloy Stainless Products Co., Inc.
J.    E. Barker, Dezurik Water Controls
K.    Barron, Ward Manufacturing
D. C. Bayreuther, Metso Automation, Flow Control Division
W. B. Bedesem, Consultant
R. M. Bojarczuk, Consultant
A. M. Cheta, Qatar Shell GTL
M. A. Clark, Consultant
G. A. Cuccio, Capitol Manufacturing Co.
J. D’Avanzo, Fluoroseal Valves
C. E. Davila, Crane Energy
K. S. Felder, Valero Energy
D. R. Frikken, Becht Engineering Co.
D. Hunt, Jr., Fastenal
G. A. Jolly, Samshin Ltd.
E. J. Lain, Exelon Nuclear
T. A. McMahon, Emerson Process Management
R. C. Merrick, Fluor Enterprises
M. L. Nayyar, NICE
W. H. Patrick, The Dow Chemical Co.
D. Rahoi, CCM 2000
C.    Ramcharran, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
D.    F. Reid, VSP Technologies
R. A. Schmidt, Canadoil
J. P. Tucker, Flowserve Corp.
F. R. Volgstadt, Volgstadt & Associates, Inc.
F. Feng, Delegate, China Productivity Center for Machinery
R. W. Barnes, Contributing Member, Anric Enterprises, Inc.
P. V. Craig, Contributing Member, Jomar Group
B. G. Fabian, Contributing Member, Pennsylvania Machine Works
M. Katcher, Contributing Member, Haynes International
A.    G. Kireta, Jr., Contributing Member, Copper Development Association, Inc.

B.    G. Fabian, Chair, Pennsylvania Machine Works
R. A. Schmidt, Vice Chair, Canadoil
E. Lawson, Secretary, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
J. Oh, Secretary, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
A. Appleton, Alloy Stainless Products Co., Inc.
G. A. Cuccio, Capitol Manufacturing Co.
J.    G. Dominguez, Welding Outlets, Inc.
K.    W. Doughty, CB&I Alloy Piping Products
J. P. Ellenberger
D. R. Frikken, Becht Engineering Co.
P. W. Heald, Bonney Forge
D. Hunt, Jr., Fastenal
G. A. Jolly, Samshin Ltd.
F. Kavarana, CBI, Inc.
W. Pritzl, Erne Fittings GmbH
J. P. Tucker, Flowserve Corp.
G. T. Walden, Wolseley
M. M. Zaidi, Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
D. J. Lafferty, Alternate, US Drop Forge Co.

General. ASME Standards are developed and maintained with the intent to represent the consensus of concerned interests. As such, users of this Standard may interact with the Committee by requesting interpretations, proposing revisions or a case, and attending Committee meetings. Correspondence should be addressed to: 總則:ASME 標準的製定和維護是為了代表相關利益的共識。因此,本標準的使用者可以要求委員會作出解釋、提出修訂或提出一  個案例,並參加委員會會議,與委員會進行互動。信件應寄往:
Secretary, B16 Standards Committee B16 標準委員會秘書
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美國機械工程師協會
Two Park Avenue 雙園大道New York, NY 10016-5990
Proposing Revisions. Revisions are made periodically to the Standard to incorporate changes that appear necessary or desirable, as demonstrated by the experience gained from the application of the Standard. Approved revisions will be published periodically. 提出修正:定期對標準進行修訂, 以包括從標準的應用中獲得的經驗所表明的似乎必要或可取的更改。核準的訂正將定期出版。The Committee welcomes proposals for revisions to this Standard. Such proposals should be as specific as possible, citing the paragraph number(s), the proposed wording, and a detailed description of the reasons for the proposal, including any pertinent documentation. 委員會歡迎
Proposing a Case. Cases may be issued to provide alternative rules when justified, to permit early implementation of an approved revision when the need is urgent, or to provide rules not covered by existing provisions. Cases are effective immediately upon ASME approval and shall be posted on the ASME Committee web page. 提出案例:在有正當理由時,可以提出其他規則,在緊急需要時,允許及早執行核準的訂正,或提供現有規定所不包括的規則。案件一經 ASME 批準立即生效,並應在 ASME 委員會網頁上公布。
Requests for Cases shall provide a Statement of Need and Background Information. The request should identify the Standard and the paragraph, figure, or table number(s), and be written as a Question and Reply in the same format as existing Cases. Requests for Cases should also indicate the applicable edition(s) of the Standard to which the proposed Case applies. 案例請求應提供一份需要說明和背景資料。請求應確定標準和段落、圖形或表號,並以與現有案例相同的格式作為  問題和回答。申請個案時,亦應注明擬申請個案所適用的標準的適用版本。
Interpretations. Upon request, the B16 Standards Committee will render an interpretation of any requirement of the Standard.Interpretations can only be renderedin responseto awritten request senttothe Secretary oftheB16 Standards Committee. 解釋:根據要求,B16 標準委員會將對標準的任何要求作出解釋。解釋隻能根據提交給 b16 標準委員會秘書的書麵要求做出。
Requests for interpretation should preferably be submitted through the online Interpretation Submittal Form. The form is accessible at http://go.asme.org/InterpretationRequest. Upon submittal of the form, the Inquirer will receive an automatic e-mail confirming receipt. 解釋申請
最好通過在線解釋提交表格提交。可以通過 http://go.ases.org/expltationrequest 訪問該表單。遞交表格後,查詢人會收到自動電郵確認收據。
If the Inquirer is unable to use the online form, he/she may e-mail the request to the Secretary of the B16 Standards Committee at SecretaryB16@asme.org, or mail it to the above address. The request for an interpretation should be clear and unambiguous. It is further recommended that the Inquirer submit his/her request in the following format: 如查詢人無法使用網上表格,可將申請電郵至 B16 標準委員會秘書(電郵地址:SecretaryB16@asme.org)或上述地址。要求作出解釋的要求應明確無誤。此外,建議查詢人以下列格式提出他/她的要求:
Subject: Cite the applicable paragraph number(s) and the topic of the inquiry in one or two
words. 主題:用一至兩個詞引用適用的段落號和調查的主題。
Edition: Cite the applicable edition of the Standard for which the interpretation is being
requested. 版本:引用要求解釋的標準的適用版本。
Question: Phrase the question as a request for an interpretation of a specific requirement suitable for general understanding and use, not as a request for an approval of a proprietary design or situation. Please provide a condensed and precise question, composed in such a way that a “yes” or “no” reply is acceptable. 問題:將問題表述為對適用於一般理解和使用的特定需
Proposed Reply(ies): Provide a proposed reply(ies) in the form of “Yes” or “No,”with explanation as needed. If entering replies to more than one question, please number the questions and replies. 回複建議:以“是”或“否”的形式回複,並按需要作出解釋。如果回複的不止一個問題,請將   回複和問題編號。
Background Information: Provide the Committee with any background information that will assist the Committee in understanding the inquiry. The Inquirer may also include any plans or drawings that are necessary to explain the question; however, they should not contain proprietary names or information. 背景資料:向委員會提供任何有助於委員會了解調查情況的背景資料。詢問人也可以附圖或者附圖說明問題;但是,它們不應該包含專有名稱或信息。Requests that are not in the format described above may be rewritten in the appropriate format by the Committee prior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request. 未采用上述格式的請求可由委員會在答複前以適當的格式重寫,這可能無意中改變原請求的意圖。
Moreover, ASME does not act as a consultant for specific engineering problems or for the general application or understanding of the Standard requirements. If, based on the inquiry information submitted, it is the opinion of the Committee that the Inquirer should seek assistance, the inquiry will be returned with the recommendation that such assistance be obtained. 此外,ASME 並不是具體工程問題的顧問,也不是標準要求的一般應用或理解的顧問。如果根據所提交的查詢資料,  委員會認為查詢人應尋求協助,則將在答複查詢時建議獲得這種協助。
ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additional information that might affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.
ASME     程序規定,當或如果有可能影響解釋的額外信息時,可以重新考慮任何解釋。此外,對解釋感到不滿的人可向認定 ASME 的委員會或小組委員會提出上訴。ASME 不“批準”、“認證”、“評級”或“認可”任何項目、構造、專有設備或活動。
Attending Committee Meetings. The B16 Standards Committee regularly holds meetings and/or telephones conferences that are open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meeting and/or telephones conference should contact the Secretary of the B16 Standards Committee. 參加委員會會議。B16     標準委員會定期舉行公開會議和/或電話會議。有意出席任何會議及/或電話會議的人士,請聯絡 B16 標準委員會秘書。

Following approval by the ASME B16.9 Committee and ASME, and after public review,ASME B16.9-2018 was approved by the American National Standards Institute on September 29, 2018. 經 ASME B16.9 委員會和 ASME 委員會批準,經過公開評審,ASME B16.9-2018 於 2018 年 9 月
29 日獲得美國國家標準協會批準。
In ASME B16.9-2018, the U.S. Customary tables formerly in Mandatory Appendix I have been merged with the Metric tables in the main text; the tables have been redesignated, Mandatory Appendix I deleted, and the cross-references updated accordingly. In addition, this edition includes the following changes identified by a margin note, (18). The Record Number listed below is explained in more detail in the “List of Changes in Record Number Order” following this Summary of Changes. 在 ASME B16.9-2018 中,原強製附錄一中的美國習慣表與正文中的公製表合並;表已重新指定,強製刪除附錄一,並相應地更新了交叉引用。此外,本版本還包括由頁邊   空白注(18)確定的下列更改。下麵列出的記錄編號將在以下更改摘要之後的“記錄編號順序更改  列表”中詳細解釋。
Page    locations    Change (Record Number)
1    1.4    First paragraph editorially revised 第一段編輯修改
1    1.5.1    References to Mandatory Appendix II editorially revised 對強製性附錄II 的引用經過編輯修訂
2    2.2    Revised in its entirety (17-1543) 整體修訂(17-1543)
3    Section 5    Revised (17-1543) 修訂(17-1543)
3    6.2.4    In sub para. (c), “3D” revised to “3D radius”(17-1543)3D 修訂為 3D 彎曲半徑
3    Section 9    Revised in its entirety (17-1543) 整體修訂(17-1543)
6    Table 5-1    Added (17-1543)增加 (17-1543)
8    Table 6.1-2    Formerly Tables 2 and I-2; illustration within table revised (17-1543) 原表
2 和 I-2;表內插圖經修訂(17-1543)
10    Table 6.1-5    Formerly Tables 5 and I-5; General Note editorially redesignated as Note (1), and Note reference added to the illustration 原表 5 和I-5;一般注釋在編輯上重新指定為注釋
11    Table 6.1-6    Formerly Tables 6 and I-6; in title, “3D” revised to “3D Radius,” and in
45-deg elbow entry for NPS 30,“964” mm revised to “946” mm (17-1543) 原表 6 和I-6;在標題中,
“3D”修改為“3D Radius”,表中 NPS 30 的 45 度彎頭,“964”毫米修改為“946”毫米(17-1543)
23    Table 8-1    Formerly Table 12; Note (2) revised (17-1543) 原表 12;修訂注(2)(17-1543
24    Figure 8-1    Editorially redesignated from Figure 1 從圖 1 中編輯地重新指定
28    Mandatory Appendix I    Redesignated from Mandatory Appendix II and updated (17-1543) 由強製性附錄 II 重新指定及更新(17-1543)


Record Number 17-1543
Revised Table 6 title from “3D” to “3D Radius” in the Contents. Revised the Foreword.Revised section 2.2 in its entirety. Revised section 5. Revised “3D” to “3D radius” insection 6.2.4. Revised section 9 in its entirety. Replaced the figure in Tables 2 and I-2. Revised “3D” to “3D Radius” and “964” to “946” in Table 6. Revised the wording of Note (2) in Table 12. Revised “3D” to “3D Radius” in Table I-6. Made multiple revisions in Mandatory Appendix II. 將表 6 標題內容從“3D”修改為“3D Radius”。修訂了前言。修訂第 2.2 條全文。修改後的第 5 部分。第 6.2.4 節將“3D”修改為“3D radius”。修訂第 9 節全文。替換表 2 和I-2 中的圖形。表 6 將“3D”修改為“3D Radius”,將“964”修改為“946”。修訂表 12 注(2)的措詞。表 I-6 將“3D”修改為“3D Radius”。對強製性附錄二進行多次修訂。
1    SCOPE  
1.1    General  
This Standard covers overall dimensions, tolerances, ratings, testing, and markings for
factory-made wrought buttwelding fittings in sizes NPS 1∕2 through NPS 48 (DN 15 through DN
1200). 本標準包括 NPS 1/2 至 NPS 48(DN15-1200)的鍛軋製工廠製造的對焊管件的總體尺寸、公差、壓力額定值、試驗及標記。
1.2    Special Fittings  
Fittings may be made to special dimensions, sizes, shapes, and tolerances by agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser. 按製造廠和采購方雙方協議,可製造特殊尺寸、口徑、形狀和公差的管件。
1.3    Fabricated Fittings  
Fabricated laterals and other fittings employing circumferential or intersection welds are considered pipe fabrication and are not within the scope of this Standard. 采用環焊縫或交叉焊縫的製備的分支管件及其他管件均屬於管製品,不屬於本標準的範圍。
Fabricated lap joint stub ends are exempt from the above restrictions, provided they meet all the requirements of the applicable ASTM material specification listed in section 5. 製備的翻邊為以上限製的例外,如果這類管件滿足第 5 節中 ASTM 材料規定的所有其他規定時。
ð18Þ 1.4 Relevant Units  
This Standard states values in both SI (Metric) and U.S. Customary units. These systems of units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text and tables, the U.S. Customary units are shown in parentheses. 這個標準用 SI(米製)和美國習慣單位製。這些單位製應單獨表述在標準。在文本和表格中,括號中顯示了美國常用的單位。
The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, it is required that each system of units be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems constitutes nonconformance with the Standard. 每個單位製中所述的值並不完全相等;因此,每個單位製必須獨立使用。將來自兩個單位製組合在一起構成不符合標準。
The designation for size is NPS for both Metric- and Customary-dimensioned fittings. Fitting pressure rating is associated with the connecting wall thickness of pipe of equivalent size and
material. 對於米製和美國慣用單位的管件,口徑的標誌是 NPS。管件壓力的額定值與相同尺寸
1.5 References  
ð18Þ 1.5.1 Referenced Standards. Standards and specifications adopted by reference in this Standard are shown in Mandatory Appendix I. It is not considered practical to identify the specific edition of each standard and specification in the individual references. Instead, the specific edition reference is identified in Mandatory Appendix I. A product made in conformance with a prior edition of referenced standards and in all other respects conforming to this Standard will be considered to be in conformance. 引用標準——本標準中引用的標準和技術條件如附錄 I 所示。辨認在單獨引用時每項標準和技術條件的特定版次被認為是不切實際的。作為替代辦法,在附錄
I         中列出了特定版次。按符合於引用到的標準的較早版次製造的日皮视频APP下载,隻要在所有其他方麵都符
1.5.2 Codes and Regulations. A fitting used under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), the ASME Code for Pressure Piping, or a governmental regulation is
subject to any limitation of that code or regulation. This includes any maximum temperature limitation or rule governing the use of a material at low temperature. 法規和條例。在 ASME 鍋爐和壓力容器規範(BPVC)、ASME     壓力管道規範或政府法規管轄下使用的配件受該規範或法規的限製。這包括任何最高溫度極限,或控製材料在低溫下使用的規則。
1.6    Service Conditions  
Criteria for selection of fitting types and materials suitable for particular fluid service are not within the scope of this Standard. 適用於特定流體應用場合的管件類型和材料的選擇標準不屬於本標準的範圍。
1.7    Welding  
Installation welding requirements are outside the scope of this Standard. 安裝焊接要求超出了本標準的範圍。
1.8    Quality Systems  
Nonmandatory requirements relating to the fitting manufacturer’s Quality System Program are described in Nonmandatory Appendix A. 管件製造商的質量體係程序相關的非強製性要求見非強製性附錄 A。
1.9    Convention  
For determining conformance with this Standard, the convention for fixing significant digits where limits (maximum and minimum values) are specified shall be as defined in ASTM E29. This requires that an observed or calculated value be rounded off to the nearest unit in the last
right-hand digit used for expressing the limit. Decimal values and tolerances do not imply a particular method of measurement. 為了確定與本標準的一致性,習慣上,在要求限定值(最大或最小值)時,確定有效數位的慣例應是按 ASTM E29 的規定進行圓整。這樣就要求在表示限定值時,應對測量值或計算值的最右側緊靠有效位的數進行圓整。小數值和公差不意味著特殊的  測定方法。
1.10    Pressure Rating Designation  
Class followed by a dimensionless number is the designation for pressure–temperature ratings. Standardized designations for flanges per ASME B16.5 referenced in this Standard are Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500. (Class)後接一個無量綱數的磅級,是壓力-溫度額定值的標識。在本標準中,依據本標準引用的 ASME B16.5 法蘭其標準化標識是 150,300,600,900,
1500,和 2500 磅級。

2.1 Basis of Ratings  
The allowable pressure ratings for fittings designed in accordance with this Standard may be calculated as for straight seamless pipe of equivalent material (as shown by comparison of composition and mechanical properties in the respective material specifications) in accordance with the rules established in the applicable sections of ASME B31, Code for Pressure Piping. For the calculation, applicable data for the pipe size, wallthickness, and material that are equivalent to that of the fitting shall be used. Pipe size, wall thickness (or schedule number), and material identity on the fittings are in lieu of pressure rating markings. 按本標準設計的管件的許用壓力額定值應根據 ASME B31,《壓力管道規範》適用卷所確定的規則,可按相同材料(按相應材料技術條件的化學成分及力學性能比較)的無縫直管的計算。為了這一計算,應使用與管件相當的  管子規格、壁厚及材料的適用數據。管件上的尺寸,壁厚(或壁厚序列號)及材料識別可代替壓  力額定值標記
ð18Þ 2.2 Design of Fittings  
2.2.1    Acceptable Design Methods. The design of fittings shall be established by one of the following methods: 可接受的設計方法。管件的設計應采用下列方法之一:
(a)    mathematical analyses contained in nationally recognized pressure vessel or piping codes (e.g., ASME B31.3 para. 304.2 for elbows and para. 304.3 for tees). 國家認可的壓力容器或管道規範中包含的數學分析。(如 ASME B31.3 304.2 節用於彎頭計算,304.3 節用於三通計算)。
(b)    proof testing in accordance with section 9 of this Standard. 根據本標準第 9 條進行驗證性試驗。
(c)    experimental stress analysis, such as described in ASME BPVC, Section VIII, Division 2, Annex
5.F with validation of results. Hydrostatic testing can be used to validate experimental results. 實驗性應力分析,如 ASME BPVC,第 8 節,第 2 部分,附件 5 所述。F 與驗證結果。水壓試驗可用於驗證實驗結果。
(d)    detailed stress analysis (e.g.,finite elementmethod) with results evalsuated as described in ASME BPVC, Section VIII, Division 2, Part 5 with validation of results. Strain measurement, photoelastic testing, or hydrostatic testing can be used to validate calculated results. 詳細的應力分析(如有限單元法),評估結果如 ASME BPVC 第 8 節第 2 部分第 5 部分所述,並對結果進行驗證。應變測量、彈性測試或水壓試驗可用於驗證計算結果。
2.2.2    Design Thickness. To meet design or manufacturing requirements, it is expected that some portion of formed fittings may have to be thicker than the pipe wall with which the fitting is intended to be used. The mathematical analyses, if used, may take into account such thicker
sections.      設計厚度。為了滿足設計或製造的要求,可以預料,成型管件某些部分的壁厚可能需要比準備使用該管件的管道壁厚要厚。如有需要,數學分析可以考慮這些較厚的部分。
2.2.3    Records. Copies of English-language records of the mathematical analysis, the successful proof test, or both shall be made available to the purchaser or regulatory authority upon request. 記錄。應買方或監管機構要求,提供數學分析、成功驗證測試或兩者的英文記錄副本。
3    SIZE  
NPS, followed by a dimensionless number, is the designation for nominal fitting size. NPS is related to the reference nominal diameter, DN, used in international standards. The relationship is, typically, as follows: NPS 後麵跟著一個無量綱數,是標稱擬合尺寸的名稱。NPS 與國際標準中使用的參考公稱直徑 DN 有關。這種關係通常如下:
15    1∕2
20    3∕4
25    1
32    11∕4
40    11∕2
50    2
65    21∕2
80    3
100    4
NOTE: For NPS > 4, the equivalence is DN = 25 × NPS. 注:對於NPS > 4, DN = 25×NPS。
4    MARKING  
4.1    Standard Marking  
Each fitting shall be permanently marked to show the following: 每件管件都應永久標記,以顯示
(a)    manufacturer’s name or trademark 製造商名稱或商標
(b)    material identification, either the ASTM or ASME grade designation 材料標識,ASTM 或 ASME
(c)    schedule number1 or nominal wall thickness in mm 管表號或公稱壁厚(毫米)
(d)    size — the nominal pipe size (NPS) identification number related to the end connections shall be used 規格—應使用與端部連接的管道公稱通徑(NPS)標識號
(e)    compliance— see para. 4.4 for standard and special fitting marking 符合性—見 4.4 節,標準
A manufacturer may supplement these mandatory markings with others, including a DN size designation, but confusion with the required marking shall be avoided. 日皮视频网站廠家可以提供其他的要求標誌,包括 DN 規格標示,但是要避免標示的混淆。
4.2    Exceptions  
Where the size of the fitting does not permit complete marking, the identification marks may be omitted in reverse of the order presented in para. 4.1. 當管件的尺寸不允許進行全部標誌時,可逆上述順序省略識別標誌(按 4.1 節)。
4.3    Depth of Stamping  
Where steel stamps are used, care shall be taken so that the marking is not deep enough or sharp enough to cause cracks or to reduce the wall thickness of the fitting below the minimum allowed. 使用鋼印時,應注意標記的深度和鋒利程度,以免造成裂紋或使管件的壁厚低於允許的最小值
4.4    Compliance  
4.4.1    Standard Fittings. That the fitting was manufactured in conformance with this Standard, including all dimensional requirements, is certified by a prefix “WP” in the material grade designation marking. 標準管件。該管件的製造符合本標準,包括所有尺寸要求,在材料等級標識中的前綴“WP”標記。
4.4.2    Special Fittings. That the fitting was manufactured in conformance with this Standard, except that dimensional requirements are as agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer, is certified by a supplementary suffix to the material grade designation marking as follows:  特殊管件。管件的製造符合本標準,但尺寸要求由買方和製造商共同商定的除外,由以下材料等級標   識的附加後綴認證:
(a)    “S58” of ASTM A960 applies for fittings in accordance with ASTM A234, ASTM A403, and ASTM A420. “S58”適用於符合 ASTM A960 的 ASTM A234、ASTM A403 和 ASTM A420 的管件。
(b)    “S8” applies for fittings in accordance with ASTM A815. “S8”適用於符合 ASTM A815 的管件。
(c)    “SPLD” applies for fittings in accordance with ASTM B361, ASTM B363, and ASTM B366.
“SPLD”適用於符合 ASTM B361、ASTM B363 和 ASTM B366 的管件。
Wrought fittings covered by this Standard shall be in accordance with ASTM A234, ASTM A403, ASTM A420, ASTM A815, ASTM B361, ASTM B363, ASTM B366, or the corresponding
specification listed in ASME BPVC,Section II. The term “wrought” denotes fittings made of pipe, tubing, plate, or forgings. For purposes of determining proof testing requirements of section 9, the materials are grouped by similar properties as shown in Table 5-1. 本標準所涵蓋的鍛件應符合 ASTM A234、ASTM A403、ASTM A420、ASTM A815、ASTM B361、ASTM B363、ASTM B366
或 ASME BPVC 第二節中列出的相應規範。“鍛造”一詞是指由管、管、板或鍛件製成的管件。
為了確定第 9 節的驗證測試要求,材料按類似的屬性分組,如表 5-1 所示
Fittings made from block forgings may only be supplied subject to agreement between the manufacturer and purchaser. Such fittings need not meet the requirements of section 7. 由塊狀鍛件製成的管件隻能在製造商和買方同意的情況下提供。這些管件不需要符合第 7 條的要求。
6.1    General  
This Standard provides for a fixed position for the welding ends with reference to either the centerline of the fittings or the overall dimensions. Dimensional requirements for these fittings are in Tables 6.1-1 through 6.1-11. 本標準規定了焊接端相對於連接件中心線或整體尺寸的固定位置。這些配件的尺寸要求見表 6.1-1 至 6.1-11。
6.2    Special Dimensions  
6.2.1    Fatigue Loading. For applications where fatigue loading is a concern, required minimum dimensions shall be furnished by the purchaser. 疲勞載荷。對於涉及疲勞載荷的應用,買方應提供所需的最小尺寸。
6.2.2    Bore Diameter. Bore diameters away from the ends are not specified. If special flow path requirements are needed, the bore dimensions shall be specified by the purchaser. 內徑。沒有指定遠離端部的內徑。如果需要特殊的流道要求,孔的尺寸應由買方指定。
6.2.3    Stub Ends. Service conditions and joint construction often dictate stub end length requirements. Therefore, the purchaser must specify long or short pattern fitting when ordering. [See General Note (b) in Table 6.1-9.] 短管端——使用工況和連接結構常常規定短管端的長度要求。因此,購買方必須在定貨時規定長或短型管件[見表 6.1-9 的一般說明(b)]
ð18Þ 6.2.4 Segmental Elbows. Factory-made segments of short radius, long radius, and 3D radius elbows may be made to meet customer angle requirements. With the exception of the B dimension, factory-made segments of elbows shall meet all other requirements of this Standard. The B dimension for segmented elbows can be calculated as follows: 分段彎頭. 工廠日皮视频网站的短半徑、長半徑和三維半徑彎頭可以滿足客戶的角度要求。除 B 尺寸外,工廠製造的彎頭段應滿足本標準的所有其他要求。分段彎頭的 B 尺寸可計算如下:
For segments of 90-deg elbows 對 90 度弧形彎頭
B s = A× tan( /2)
where 式中
A = dimension A for appropriate 90-deg elbow being segmented from 特殊 90 度弧形的尺寸按照相當於 90 度弧形的彎頭尺寸,根據下表切割
(a)    Table 6.1-1 for long radius elbow, mm (in.)  表 6.1-1 長半徑彎頭,mm(英寸)
(b)    Table 6.1-4 for short radius elbow,mm(in.) 表 6.1-4 短半徑彎頭,mm(英寸)
(c)    Table 6.1-6 for 3D radius elbow, mm (in.)  表 6.1-6 為 3D 半徑彎頭,mm (in)
Bs = center-to-end dimension for segmented elbow 弧形彎頭中心至端部尺寸
θ = angle of segmented elbow — 30 deg, 60 deg, 75 deg, etc. 弧形彎頭角度—30 度、60 度、75 度,等
When special elbows are intended for field segmenting, the outsideor inside diameter tolerance shall be furnished throughout the fitting by agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser. Any mismatch on the outside or inside diameter needs to be corrected in the field by grinding, back-welding, or bridging of weld to meet the applicable piping code requirements.
Although the elbow intended for field segmenting must meet the requirements of this Standard, once the field-segmented elbow is cut, it is not a B16.9 product. 當特殊彎頭被安排在現場切割時, 應該根據製造商和買方之間合同提供外徑和內徑公差。外徑和內徑的失配,必須通過現場磨削、
補焊或橋焊來達到適用的管道規範的要求。既使彎頭是被安排在現場切割時,也必須符合本標準  的要求。一旦現場切割的彎頭被切下,它就不再是 B16.9 日皮视频APP下载了
Where adjacent openings in fittings are not in parallel planes, they shall be joined by a circular arc or radius on the external surfaces. The arc or radius may be terminated in tangents. Except as provided for block forgings (see section 5), the projected profile of external surfaces of fittings shall not have sharp intersections (corners) and/or collapsed arcs.  當管件上相鄰的開孔不在平行平麵上時,它們應由外表麵上的一段圓弧或圓角相連接。圓弧或圓角可能終止於相切處。除由  鍛坯(見第 5 節)提供的之外,管件外表麵的投影輪廓應沒有尖利的角和/或倒塌弧度。
Unless otherwise specified, the details of the welding end preparation shall be in accordance with Table 8-1. Transitions from the welding bevel to the outside surface of the fitting and from the root face to the inside surface of the fitting lying within the maximum envelope shown in Figure
8-1 are at the manufacturer’s option, except as covered in Note (5) of Figure 8-1 or unless otherwise specifically ordered. 除非另有規定,焊接端準備詳見表 8-1。除非如圖 8-1 的注釋(5) 所述或另有特別規定,在如圖 8-1 所示的最大包絡線的範圍內,由焊接坡口到管件的外表麵以及由根部鈍邊到管件的內表麵的過渡由製造廠自定。
9    DESIGN    PROOF    TEST    ð18Þ
9.1    Required Tests  
Proof tests shall be made as set forth in this Standard when the manufacturer chooses proof testing to qualify the fitting design. The pressure design thickness for critical areas of each type of fitting shall be determined and recorded. The design thickness for other sizes or wall thicknesses covered in para. 9.4 shall require a similar percentage of reinforcement proportional by size or thickness. Critical areas are normally the inner radius of elbows, the crotch of tees and crosses, the knuckle radius of caps, and the large ends of reducers. Proof test shall be based on the computed burst pressure of the fitting and its connecting piping as defined in para. 9.3. 當製造廠選擇驗證試驗方法來對管件的設計進行鑒定時,應按本標準的規定進行驗證試驗。確定並記錄每  種類型管件的關鍵區域的壓力設計厚度。第 9.4 節中其它尺寸或壁厚的設計厚度需要根據尺寸和壁厚增加相同比例的補強。關鍵區域通常是彎頭的內弧、三通和四通的肩部、管帽的圓弧部位和  異徑管的大端。驗證試驗應基於 9.3 節定義的通過計算獲得的管件及其連接管子的爆裂壓力。
9.2    Test Assembly  
9.2.1    Representative Components. Each fitting type shall be tested, except that testing of certain types of fittings can qualify other fittings as described in Table 9.2.1-1. Fittings from the same material group that have the same basic design configuration and method of manufacture shall be selected from production for testing and shall be identified as to material, grade, and lot, including heat treatment.代表樣品. 每種管件類型都應進行測試,按表 9.2.1-1 所述,某些類型的管件可以覆蓋表中的管件,免除測試。應從日皮视频网站中選擇具有相同基本設計配置和製造方法的相同  材料組的管件進行檢測,應確定材料、等級和批次,包括熱處理。
(a)    Examples of different basic configurations include the following: 不同基本配置的例子包括如
(1)    elbows of different centerline radius (short versus long versus 3D radius) 不同彎曲半徑的彎頭(短、長、3D 半徑)
(2)    tees or crosses formed in full encircling dies versus cold or hot extrusion using a pad die 三通或四通成型時采用全包圍模具或用墊板局部冷、熱擠壓。
(3)    concentric versus eccentric shaped reducers 同心或偏心異徑管
(4)    caps of different configurations 不同類型的管帽
(b)    Examples of different methods of manufacture include the following 不同的製造方法的例子包括以下:
(1)    mandrel-formed elbows versus elbows welded from two half-shells versus bent pipe 推製成型的彎頭或采用哈弗式分片壓製焊接的彎頭
(2)    cold-formed tees or crosses versus extruded tees versus machined from solid forgings 冷成型的三通、四通,擠壓成型的三通或由鍛件加工的三通
(3)    conical reducers versus bell-shaped (integral tangents) reducers 錐形異徑管或鍾形異徑管(相切)
(4)    caps formed by extruding through a draw ring versus ends cut off cold-formed tees versus machined from solids 通過擠壓拉伸成型的管帽、切掉冷擠三通頂部得到的管帽或鍛件機械加工的管帽
(5)    hot forming versus cold forming or using differential heating 熱成型,冷成型或采用局部加熱
9.2.2    Other Components. Straight seamless or welded pipe whose calculated bursting strength is at least as great as the proof test pressure as calculated in para. 9.3 shall be welded to each end of the fitting to be tested. Pipe sections may have the nominal wall greater than the thickness indicated by the fitting markings. That greater thickness shall notexceed 1.5times the fittingmarkings wall. Any internal misalignment greater than 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) shall be reduced by taper boring at a slope not greater than 1:3. Any other unequal wall welding preparation shall be in accordance with ASME B16.25. Length of pipe sections for closures shall be as follows:
9.2.2    其他樣品。無縫或焊接直管,其計算破裂強度至少與 9.3 節計算的試驗壓力相同,鋼管要焊接到待測管件的兩端。鋼管的公稱壁厚度可能大於管件標記所指示的厚度,鋼管的最大厚度不  得超過管件標記壁厚的 1.5 倍。任何大於 1.5 毫米(0.06 英寸)的內部錯邊應通過錐度鏜孔(不大於 1:3 的坡度)來減少。其他不同壁厚的焊接坡口按照 ASME B16.25 執行,用於封堵的鋼管長度計算如下:
(a)    Minimum length of pipe shall be one pipe O.D. for NPS 14 (DN 350) and smaller. NPS14 (DN
(b)    Minimum length of pipe shall be one-half pipe O.D. for NPS greater than 14 (DN 350). NPS14 (DN 350)以上口徑,鋼管最小長度=0.5*鋼管外徑。
9.3    Test Procedure  
To qualify a fitting by proof testing, the fitting shall be tested as described herein and shall withstand the minimum calculated pressure for at least 180 s (3 min). 為了通過驗證性試驗測試使管件合格,管件應該按照本文所述進行測試,並且應該承受至少 180 秒(3 分鍾)的最小計算壓力。
9.3.1    Number ofTests.At least three specimen tests for each fitting, joint size, or configuration are recommended. The test factor, f, is based on the number of specimen tests performed. The test factor, f, described in Table 9.3.1-1, is used in the computed proof test pressure equation. 檢測數量。建議對每類管件至少三次試樣試驗,推薦按照接頭尺寸或結構選擇。測試因子 f 是基於所進行的樣本測試的數量。試驗係數 f 如表 9.3.1-1 所示,用於計算證明試驗壓力方程。
NOTE: Tests of geometrically identical fittings of different sizes and wall thicknesses that have overlapping ranges as described in para. 9.4 may be combined to establish the test factor applied to a set of fittings. For example, testing an NPS 2, NPS 8, and NPS 24 of the same basic design configuration and method of
manufacture would qualify for a test factor of 1.0 and would qualify fittings of that type from NPS 1 to NPS
48 and thickness ranges in accordance with para. 9.4.2. 注:不同尺寸和壁厚的幾何形狀相同的管件的試驗, 其重疊範圍如段 9.4 所述。可以結合段 9.4 以確定適用於一套管件的測試係數。例如,測試具有相同的基本設計配置和製造方法口徑為 nps2、nps8 和 nps24 的管件,可以獲得 1.0 的測試因子,可以根據第 9.4.2 節確定壁厚覆蓋範圍,口徑覆蓋範圍從NPS 1 到 NPS 48
9.3.2    Computed Test Pressure. The minimum proof test pressure shall be at least equal to the value computed by the following equation and rounded to the nearest 0.2MPa (25 psi): 試驗壓力計算。最小試驗壓力應至少等於下列公式計算的值,並四舍五入到最接近的 0.2MPa (25 psi):
P =2Sft/D
where 其中
D = specified outside diameter of pipe 管道的規定外徑
f = test factor from Table 9.3.1-1 試驗係數見表 9.3.1-1
P = computed minimum proof test pressure for fitting 管件驗證性試驗的最小計算壓力
S = actual tensile strength of the test fitting, determined on a specimen representative of the test fitting, which shall meet the tensile strength requirements of the applicable material of section 5 管件的實際抗拉強度,實際抗拉強度由管件的試驗樣品上測量得出,實際抗拉強度要滿足第  5 部分材料的相關規定。
t = nominal pipe wall thickness of the pipe that the fitting marking identifies 管件標識的管道公
NOTE: Any dimensionally consistent system of units may be used. 注:可采用一致的單位製。
9.3.3    Test Media. The test shall be conducted with water. Trapped air in the assembly shall be purged prior to the start of the test.試驗介質。應采用水壓試驗,組合件樣品中的空氣在試驗前應排盡。
9.3.4    Application of Test Pressure. A pump with suitable pressure capacity shall be used to uniformly increase the test pressure through yield. Any gauges attached directly to the assembly may be removed and the pressure again uniformly increased at a suitable rate until either failure or the required test pressure has been achieved and held for 180 s. It is acceptable to increase pressure in the test assembly to accommodate reductions in test pressure caused by yielding in the test assembly.加壓要求。加壓泵應具有合適的加壓能力,使試驗壓力均勻增加,以達到材料屈服強度。試驗組合件上連接的所有儀表應被去除,壓力再次均勻地以合適的速度增加,達到爆  破壓力(樣品失效)。或達到要求的測試壓力,並保持 180 秒。當試驗組合件由於屈服變形而導致的測試壓力下降時,可以增加試驗組合件的壓力。
9.3.5    Recording Pressure–Time Readings. Test pressure versus time readings shall be recorded
periodically. This may be achieved through electronic means or instrumentation with appropriate resolution and range that has been calibrated prior to the test.壓力-時間數值記錄。測試壓力對時間的讀數應定期記錄。記錄可以通過在測試前已校準的具有適當分辨率和範圍的電子手段或儀器  來實現。
9.3.6    Test Temperature. The temperature(s) of the test fluid and components of the test assembly may not intentionally be increased or decreased if doing so would significantly affect a mechanical property or response of any component of the test assembly while it is under test.試驗溫度。如果測試過程中,溫度不顯著試驗組合件的機械性能,則試驗介質和試驗組合件的溫度  不得故意升高或降低。
9.3.7    Test Results. The test may be terminated if any component (e.g., fitting, pipe segment, fabrication weld) of the test assembly loses containment. The test of the fitting shall be
considered unsuccessful if there is any loss of containment from the tested fitting before or during the time it is to be held at or above the computed pressure. A proof test is successful only when the fitting being tested withstands for at least 180 s a continuous proof test pressure of at least the computed minimum (see para. 9.3.2) without exhibiting loss of containment or evidence of cracking, fissuring, tearing, etc. in the fitting under test.試驗結果。如果試驗組合件的任何組件
定的保壓時間中失去密封,無論保壓壓力等於計算壓力或超過計算壓力,都將被認為試驗失敗。  隻有被測管件無泄漏或開裂、開裂、撕裂等跡象。且被測試的連接件承受至少 180 s 的連續驗證測試壓力,測試壓力的最小值按照第 9.3.2 節計算,驗證測試才能成功。
9.4    Applicability of Test Results  
It is not necessary to conduct an individual test of fittings with all combinations of sizes, wall thicknesses, and materials. A successful proof test on one representative fitting may qualify others to the extent described in paras. 9.4.1, 9.4.2, and 9.4.3.不需要對規格、壁厚及材料的所有組合情況進行逐一試驗。在一個代表性管件得出的合格的驗證試驗可代表在 9.4.1、9.4.2、和 9.4.3 範圍內的其他管件。
9.4.1    Size Range. One test fitting may be used to qualify similarly proportioned fittings as defined in para. 9.2.1 with a size range from one-half to twice that for the tested fitting.尺寸範圍。一個測試管件可用於符合第 9.2.1 節中定義的類似比例的管件。尺寸範圍為測試管件的 0.5 至 2 倍。
9.4.2    Thickness Range. One test fitting may be used to qualify similarly proportioned fittings as defined in para. 9.2.1 with t/D ranges from one-half to three times that for the tested fitting. 壁厚範圍。一個測試管件可用於符合第 9.2.1 節中定義的類似比例的管件。t/D 範圍為測試管件的 0.5 至 3 倍。
9.4.3    Material Grades. The pressure-retaining capacity of a fitting of the same basic design configuration and method of manufacture made from material in a material group as listed in Table 5-1 will be directly proportional to the tensile properties of the materials. Therefore, it is necessary to test only a representative fitting to prove the design of a fitting for all materials in a
group.材料等級。由表 5-1  所列材料組中的材料製成的相同基本設計配置和製造方法的管件的保壓能力與材料的拉伸性能成正比。因此,隻需要對一個具有代表性的管件進行測試,就可以證明  一個管件的設計適用於同一組中的所有材料。
9.5    Maintenance of Results  
The manufacturer shall have a quality control (QC) program that verifies the manufacturing process and material used and ensures that the resulting geometry and design thickness of the fittings or joints manufactured reasonably conform to the geometries tested. The QC program shall control the manufacturing drawings and maintain the QC records showing conformance to these drawings. 製造商應具有質量控製程序,以驗證所使用的製造工藝和材料,並確保所製造的配件或接頭的幾何形狀和設計厚度合理,可以滿足試驗形狀的要求。QC 程序也應對製造圖紙進行控製,同時保留顯示滿足這些圖紙的 QC 記錄。
Tests made in accordance with and at the time of previous editions of this Standard are not intended to be nullified by the changes made in this edition’s test procedure and requirements, provided the design criteria for the type tested can be determined.  根據本標準前幾版進行的測試不應因本標準測試程序和要求的更改而失效,前提是可以確定測試類型的設計標準。Whenever a significant change is made in the geometry or method of manufacture, the manufacturer shall either retest the new production or show by analysis that the change would not affect the results of prior tests. 當幾何形狀或製造方法發生重大變化時,製造商應重新測試
Examples of changes in geometry that require retests are a change in starting thickness or revised tooling configuration. 需要重新測試的幾何形狀變化的例子是開始厚度的變化或修改的工具配置。
9.6    Proof Test Report  
A report of the testing for each joint configuration shall be prepared and shall include 應編製每一種焊接接頭配置的試驗報告,並應包括
(a)    description of the test, including the number oftests and f factor used to establish the target proof test 測試描述,包括測試次數和用於建立目標驗證測試的 f 因子
(b)    instrumentation and methods of calibration used 所用儀器和校準方法。
(c)    material test reports for the assembly’s materials (fitting, pipe, and end caps, if used) 試驗組合件材料的材料測試報告(如管件、管道和端蓋)
(d)    actual final test pressures achieved for each test 每次試驗的實際最後壓力。
(e)    length of time at or above the required test pressure (see para. 9.3.4) 在要求的測試壓力下或以上的時間長度(詳見第 9.3.4 節)
(f)    calculations performed 進行的計算
(g)    locations of rupture, if any, including a sketch or photographs of the assembly 破裂的位置(如有),包括試驗組合件的草圖或照片
(h)    pressure design thickness required in critical areas 關鍵區域所需壓力設計厚度
(i)    certification by the manufacturer and by a licensed Authorized Inspector or other third party having experience in pressure component design and testing 由製造商和具有壓力元件設計和測試經驗的授權檢驗員或其他第三方
Hydrostatic testing of wrought fittings is not required by this Standard. All fittings shall be capable of withstanding, without leakage or impairment of serviceability, a hydrostatic test pressure required by the applicable piping code for seamless pipe of material equivalent to
the fitting material, and of the size and wall thickness the fitting marking identifies.  本標準不要求對鍛軋鋼製管件進行水壓試驗。所有管件應能經受住由管件標誌識別的管件材料和 NPS 規格及壁厚相同的無縫管材,按適用的管道規範所要求的水壓試驗壓力,無泄漏或有損於使用性能。  11 TOLERANCES  
Tolerances for fittings are shown in Table 11-1 and apply to the nominal dimensions given in Tables 6.1-1 through 6.1-11. Where given in the tables, the minimum and maximum dimensions are based on these tolerances. The listings with decimals do not imply precision measurement, such as use of vernier, micrometer, or electronic readout equipment. 管件的公差見表 11-1,適用於表 6.1- 1.1 至 6.1-11 的公稱尺寸。如表中所示,最小和最大尺寸是基於這些公差。帶有小數點的列表並不意味著使用遊標卡尺、千分尺或電子讀出設備等進行精確測量。


The following is a list of standards and specifications referenced in this Standard. Unless otherwise specified, the latest edition of ASME publications shall apply. 以下是本標準中引用的標準和規範列表。除另有規定外,適用最新版的 ASME 出版物。
ASME B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS 1∕2 Through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard ASME B16.25, Buttwelding Ends
ASME B31, Code for Pressure Piping ASME B31.3, Process Piping
ASME B36.10M, Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe ASME B36.19M, Stainless Steel Pipe
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 
ASTM A234/A234M-17, Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature Service
ASTM A403/A403M-16, Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings ASTM A420/A420M-16, Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for LowTemperature Service
ASTM A815/A815M-14e1, Specification for Wrought Ferritic, Ferritic/Austenitic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings
ASTM A960/A960M-16a, Specification for Common Requirements for Wrought Steel Piping Fittings
ASTM B361-16, Specification for Factory-Made Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Welding Fittings
ASTM B363-14, Specification for Seamless and Welded Unalloyed Titanium and Titanium Alloy Welding Fittings
ASTM B366/B366M-17, Specification for Factory-Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel Alloy Fittings ASTM E29-13, Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance With Specifications
Publisher: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 
ISO 6708:1995, Pipework components — Definition and selection of DN (nominal size) ISO 9000:2015, Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary1
ISO 9001:2015, Quality management systems — Requirements1
ISO 9004:2009, Managing for the sustained success of an organization — A quality management approach1
Publisher: International Organization for Standardization (ISO),Central Secretariat,ChemindeBlandonnet8,Case Postale 401, 1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland 


The products manufactured in accordance with this Standard shall be produced under a Quality System Program following the principles of an appropriate standard from the ISO 9000 series.1 A determination of the need for registration and/or certification of the product manufacturer’s quality system by an independent organization shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer.
The detailed documentation demonstrating program compliance shall be available to the purchaser at the manufacturer’s facility. A written summary description of the program used by the product manufacturer shall be available to the purchaser upon request. The “product manufacturer” is defined as the entity whose name or trademark appears on the product in accordance with the marking or identification requirements of this Standard. 按照本標準日皮视频网站的日皮视频APP下载應按照質量體係程序日皮视频网站,並遵循 iso9000 係列標準的原則。日皮视频APP下载日皮视频网站廠家所需要的由第三方組織確定的質量體係注冊/或證書是日皮视频网站廠商的義務。購買方應在日皮视频网站廠能看到標誌符合大綱  的詳細文件。依據要求用戶應能看到日皮视频网站廠商使用的對大綱的書麵的描述。日皮视频APP下载製造廠被定義為  一個機構,其名稱或商標按本標準的標記或識別要求標在日皮视频APP下载上。





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網站建設:中企動力  石家莊
